Tuesday, October 20, 2015

May the Force Be With You!

Today we did a lab in class that relates to how forces on objects change their properties and motion of objects such as play-dough, marbles, and washers. Let's see how some people explain occurrences of this lab.

1. First, lets ask Mira to explain what a force is?

Me: Mira can you explain to be what a Force is?

Mira: A push or pull factor that is exerted on another object that can be calculated using mass and acceleration.

Me: :)

2. Next, lets ask Charlie what happens to the marble.

Me: Charlie, what is happening to the marble when opposite forces are applied to the marble?

Charlie:  Because the marble is in accelerate we can see there is an unbalanced net force. Also, if the direction changes the motion can affected through net force because if equal force occurs there is equal speed but if forces are not equal a change in acceleration can occur.

Me: :)

Monday, October 19, 2015



Displacement is the distance between the point A(where you started ) and point B( where you ended).
It is a vector quantity because it has both a magnitude and direction. 

Video  describing the difference between displacement and distance.

This link helps you practice your displacement skills.

Velocity vs. Position Graph 3.1

Velocity v.s Position time Graph 

  • Velocity is a vector quantity      
  • Position/time is a scalar quantity.


His velocity is increasing and becoming unconstant, therefore displaying acceleration.

The picture above displays acceleration, which is the change in velocity over the change in time(a=change in v/change in time). Acceleration is described on a velocity vs time graph. There is no acceleration existing if the velocity time graph contains a horizontal line, meaning that the velocity is constant or zero. In the positive section of the v/t graph, the acceleration is in a positive direction. The acceleration depends on a positive or negative slope. The acceleration speeds up when travelling away from the origin while it slows down when travelling toward it, regardless of being in the negative or positive zone.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blogging in Physical Science

Our blog can be used for a variety of purposes.  All physical science students can post extension work, reflections from our classwork, relevant website links, relevant videos, or any other content worth sharing to peers.  We encourage you to comment on other students work and engage in learning in a way that is meaningful to you.  The only rule of the blog is to be respectful and appropriate!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Force 5.2 Field Existence

             Field Existence without Interaction


Go to this website for a video:

Fields can exist without anything interacting with them. The Earth's gravitational field would still be there if nothing was on the planet. The field around a magnet would still be there even if there was no metal interacting with it.